To reduce confusion, we have created a spreadsheet that illustrates how ANR and Mississippi categorize the communities that we have determined to have compressive ordinances.
08 November 2011
Latest Details on Smoke-free Ordinances
We have added a new feature to our warehouse of information about local smoke-free ordinances in Mississippi. As many of you are aware, American Nonsmokers' Rights uses a different criteria for categorizing communities as having 100% smoke-free laws than we have used. ANR evaluates ordinances across three domains; 1) non-hospitality workplaces, 2) restaurants, and 3) bars. We have simply categorized communities as either having no ordinance, an ordinance with exemptions, or an ordinance with only minor exemptions. To illustrate, we have categorized Oxford as having a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance, whereas ANR does not consider Oxford to have a 100% smoke-free ordinance for non-hospitality workplaces because their ordinance exempts tobacco retail stores.