First, the good news. The Palace Casino in East Biloxi will become the first Mississippi casino voluntarily go smoke-free. On Tuesday General Manager Keith Crosby announced smoking won’t be permitted anywhere in the building except in the smoking lounge adjacent to the casino floor. Hopefully, other casinos in this state will follow suit.
Next, the limited good news. Olive Branch has passed an ordinance the restricts smoking inside of public indoor places. However, the exemptions in this ordinance continue to allow smoking in indoor public places. Restaurants with bars may allow smoking after 9 p.m. Also exempt from the ban are bars that only allow patrons more than 21 years old. These exemptions mean that employees and nonsmokers will continue to be exposed in Olive Branch. Moreover, children who dine at restaurants with bars will be exposed to the toxic remnants of post-9:00 smoking (thirdhand smoke).