31 August 2009
We knew this back in '65
The NYT comments on the viral video produced by the Gwent Police Department. The video presents the potential, horrific consequences of texting while driving. The authors reference the worst-case driver-education films, and quote several researchers and advocates on issues related to changing behavior with fear-based appeals. I wish more people in public health would read the literature (sample) on fear-based appeals. At best, these messages only serve to temporarily change behavioral intentions.
Little Debbie has a tax for you
The LA Times explores the viability and pitfalls of a tax on junk food. One key limitation is the operationalization of the term 'junk food.' That is, what exactly is and is not junk food.
Swine Vaccination?
This Washington Post article describes efforts to quickly produce a vaccination - and a large-scale vaccination program - for the swine flu. The pros and cons are highlighted, as well as the history of other flu vaccines.
27 August 2009
26 August 2009
Summary of Health Reform Issues
Two foundations have recently released policy briefs intended to provide objective summaries of some of the key issues in health reform and the proposed reform plans. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Key Issues in Health Reform address's the role of the Federal Government, the lowering of Medicare spending, and Advanced Care Planning. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation's Focus on Health Reform provides side-by-side comparisons of the leading reform proposals. The Kaiser Foundation anticipates updating this document as these proposals are revised during the health reform debate.
19 August 2009
Vintage PSAs
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are one approach to disseminating information in order to promote health. Here are few amusing PSAs.
Smoking - Yul Brynner - released after his death, and a little creepy, etc, etc, etc
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