23 June 2009

Reactions to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

President Obama signed this bill in to law on 22 June 2009. Below are some of the reactions to this controversial bill.

NPR notes the President's own struggles with nicotine addiction.

CNN highlights the support from the voluntary health organizations, and also includes a dissenting opinion from Stan Glantz - "The bill creates a 12-member advisory board through which all regulations will flow. Tobacco industry representatives will hold three nonvoting seats. Putting three guys on this committee would be a little bit like putting three mobsters on the Department of Justice committee on organized crime." This article also notes the objection to the Philip Morris involvement in drafting the bill from rival tobacco companies.

Michael Siegel - is frustrated by the PR coup that Philip Morris is experiencing from this bill.

The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids highlights the harms of tobacco and the key benefits of this bill