09 August 2011

More on Cigarette Consumption and Cigarette Tax Revenue

One of our recent fact sheets highlights trends in per capita consumption and cigarette tax revenue from 1955 to 2010. Several points are worth highlighting.

  • Revenue increased steadily from 1955 to 1985, and then spiked after the 1985 increase in the state cigarette tax.
  • Mississippi did not increase its cigarette tax again until 2009, and revenue from the state cigarette tax remained flat from 1986 through 2008.
  • After the state increased the cigarette tax in May of 2009, revenue from this tax increased by 41.2%.
  • The increased revenue was even greater in 2010. This year, the increased tax was collected in all 12 months and revenue increased by 100.8% compared to 2009.
  • In addition to substantial increases in revenue, the state experienced the lowest level of per capita consumption since these data started being collected in 1955.