27 January 2010

Driving While Distracted - the DUI?

NPR piece on the new law banning texting for drivers that fall under Federal regulation. Will texting while driving become the as socially unacceptable as driving under the influence?

26 January 2010

Hidden Fat for Normal BMI

The WSJ reviews a recent study on body fat among people who have a BMI categorized as normal.

14 January 2010

Obesity Rates Hit Plateau in U.S.

NYT piece on the recent article in JAMA. The gist of this study - the measured (as opposed to self-report) prevalence of obesity has flatlined for most of the US population.

07 January 2010

Education causes autism OR spurious correlation?

NPR piece illustrates the pitfalls of assuming a causal relationship based on correlational studies. Third variables (such as access to care & knowledge of services) that might be responsible for the autism clusters.